I never expected to start writing this type of post today (in fact I was planning a cool-toned makeup look), but man, the amount of blogging drama that I keep seeing every few days on social media (would be daily if I logged onto fb more often) has gotten SO out of hand, that I just had to address it!
So today, I'm presenting you the many clans of bloggers, each distinguished by one main characteristic (though some, in reality, are overlapping). So far, I'm counting ten - though, truth be told I was never really that good at math! Ok, let's start:
1. The Kiss-asses. You know, those that will stalk and compliment anything and anyone that will help them get ahead - they're pretty straightforward. Now, these have a sister clan, the... Cyborgs as I'd like to call them, because they never ever have anything negative to say. I think it's only human to be sick or angry or upset every now and then and be able to express that, and it's only natural to present the cons of a product, not just the pros, but no, these individuals apparently live in a pink bubble that never bursts - heaven forbid they show they're human and sound negative to other people or brands! We no likey that, right?
2. The Negative Nancys. Those on the other hand have always something negative to say, it's like their social media is a never-ending venting playground! Which is all ok when they're complaining about their broken nail or the bad weather, but that's not usually where they stop: these people take it upon themselves to criticise what everyone else is doing/wearing/saying, and point out
3. The Copy-Cats. Ah, yes: those bloggers that copy what other, more popular bloggers are doing. Like, every-thing and all at once. Now, this may have proved to be a successful formula in some cases, however, any sense of personality goes down the drain. In fact, if the blogger you're "inspired by" said it first, sorry love, I'll probably just skip you alltogether (you are, after all, identical)! Also, blatantly stealing another fellow blogger's work and style? Let's.not.even.go.there.
4. The Spammers. Everyone's "favorite"! You've all seen them, it's those that post the same thing on 100 facebook groups simultaneously clogging up your notifications (seriously, how do they do that?), those that tweet the same thing 10 times a day and those that leave their blog url's everywhere on their marathon commenting sprees. Bad use of internet space if you ask me, but they can't help it, despite annoying everyone (plus, we know you're not actually following the blogs you're saying you are 99% of the time)!
5. The Freebie-holics. Those are usually bloggers that began blogging just because they saw that PR's handed out samples left and right and figured it was the most cost-effective way to stock up their cupboards. Some of them even contact the PR's first, requesting products. Now, this practice doesn't affect me personally, but it does give the impression that bloggers are sell-outs and have no shame doing whatever it takes to acquire a sample. If you must, request the g*d* sample. But at least, swatch it, test it, present it properly. Copy-pasting the press release has no value to any reader whatsoever.
6. The Queens (with a Court). Now these are not bad bloggers to begin with. They're hard workers, and they always strive for improvement, qualities which are admirable. The issue in this case lies in their holier-than-thou attitude: they're always right/the most successful/the best at what they do, they rarely reply to anyone, they never ask for recommendations and you'd better not utter anything other than a compliment towards them, because if you do, you're automatically a hater. Now the Queens need their Court, and here's were the Kiss-asses prove to be useful (one doesn't work without the other).
7. The Con Artists. This is the most obscure category of all. You see, these bloggers have an agenda, an ulterior motive so to speak. So, they may be Negative Nancys or Kiss-asses, but it's all deliberately done: they need a plan to increase their pageviews or a way to become more popular in order to succeed professionally. Obviously, everyone blogs for their own reason, but luring people in under false pretenses is a cop-out at best!
8. The Green Eyed Monsters. You've all heard before that jealousy is a bad trait, but, I fear it's only understandable to a certain extent. It's envy that's the problem, which for me is jealousy expressed in a malicious and hateful way, and it's usually the source for other behaviors in this list. Unfortunately this is not that hard to fix: stop comparing your life to those of others (or to what others present to you), be grateful for what you have and just work to improve yourself.
9. The Blue Jasmines. These are the sensitive people: most of them are hugely intuitive and artistic and when they do blog it comes naturally to them. Unfortunately, they can be put off easily by all the surrounding drama and/or they can feel upset when they see others succeed not thanks to their hard work, but their indirect ways. Yes, life is unfair in general, but if you're true to yourself, then be certain that there will be readers out there that will hear you out. In fact, those may not come in hordes, but they tend to be the most loyal ones, and that is an achievement in itself!
10. The Athletes, which basically includes everyone else. Because those that enjoy what they're doing and treat it with integrity, those that respect their readers as well as themselves and those that compete in a noble manner without comparing, those are all athletes in my book. Screw that, actually, they're champions.
I guess the moral of this story is that we don't need any other clan, except for the last one (wishful thinking, but hey)! People have enough troubles in their daily lives as it is, and the beauty community should be a safe and somewhat "light" place, not a garbage pit used for anger expression (at best) and jealousy and even bullying (at its worst).
And if you're a newer blogger wanting to make it big (whatever meaning you attribute to that), don't stress it! Be polite and respectful to others, stay unique, do your research, try out as many products as you possibly can (believe me, they don't have to be the newest high-end release), keep your layout easy to read, be honest, and above all enjoy what you're doing!
The rest is only a matter of time! :)
Who am I to say all this? Let's just say I've seen and heard so much over the past 6 or so years that I've been around (since before blogging even) that I cannot just keep it all to myself. Those of you who know me since way back when, surely remember my views on blogging and the time and effort I put to support fellow bloggers.
I'd love to read your thoughts on this!
PS: Comments are always welcome, however if they get too heated to the point of rudeness or abuse, I will moderate them (that's basically why I don't keep them open in the first place).
Nicely put lass, concise yet delightful and to the point. I see myself more like a paratrooper although some times I do feel like the blue jasmin, lol!
ReplyDelete@ScrapgalGR: Thank you! Haha, I loved the "paratrooper" metaphor, but I think you belong in the athlete category: I mean, after all you've kept going for the sheer pleasure of it and I admire and respect that in you, without a doubt. ;) xx
DeleteI could not but agree completely with you!! The BB community has all these clans and these are obvious in all their glory! This is not a gutter press this shit is real with freebie-holics and copy-cats creating a beauty blog in order to fill their cupboards easy peasy, but hey girl you need at least to work your bum for it! Then if they don't succeed they become kiss-asses , negative Nancys and green eyed monsters ready to shallow you if you express your opinion through your blog or fb page! How dare you???? As for the spammers... I was wondering are these girls 24h a day in front of a monitor?? Really? How do they do that? The point is that nothing worth having comes easy and "bloody hell" be yourself and be a lady!!!
ReplyDelete@Irene Blushing Loves: Exactly. If it is to be of any worth, you have to put the work in, plain and simple. The result that doesn't come from labor, but from.. indirect ways is not gonna compare to that which comes from hours of testing and trying...!
DeleteI don't think there is anything else to be said at this point. Well said, well put, well expressed. My personal "favourites" are numbers 1 and 5...!
ReplyDelete@Athina: Thank you. I know, it feels like beating a dead horse to some of us (me too), but surprisingly, MORE clans are forming - if possible! Then again, as long as people will read and listen to sheer junk (I'm sorry, but I have no other words for poorly researched and really poorly articulated posts and videos), then, everything's possible!!!
Deletelovely post, very well written and on spot dear as always ;)
ReplyDelete@smugnificent: Thank you. To be honest, over the past few months it's become insane, everyone has an opinion about everything, despite knowing jack shit about the subject they're talking about (surprisingly enough it's those very popular people that make the most glaring mistakes....)! xx
DeleteΠωπω δεν πιστέυω ότι θα μπορούσες να τα πεις καλύτερα!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteΣιχαίνομαι αυτες που γλύφουν για δωρεάν προιόντα και αυτές που πάντα λένει "τι ΄τελειαααααα που είσαι " κλπ κλπ...ενώ ξεκάθαρα δεν είναι!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Επίσης δεν μπο΄ρω που όλες πια οι κριτικές είναι θετικές!Ε,δεν γίνεται...όλο και κάποιο αρνητικό θα υπάρχει!
Ελπίζω να είμαι κι εγώ μία champion!!
Επίσης...εκνευριστικές οι ντίβες που δεν απαντάνε ποτέ σε σχόλια!!Για εμένα το blog είναι και ένα μέσο επικοινωνίας!Απαντάω σε όλα τα σχόλια γιατί μου αρέσει να μιλάω με τα μέλη μου!
@beauty and the food beast!: Χαχα, σ' ευχαριστω! Φυσικα και δεν γινεται να ειναι ολα τελεια, ολα υπεροχα, ολα φανταστικα καθε μερα του χρονου! Ποσω μαλλον οταν υπαρχουν και bloggers/ΥΤers που αναφερουν και τα αρνητικα ενος προιοντος! Χαχα, οσο για τις.. ντιβες, μου φαινεται αυτο το clan τωρα ξεκιναει... ελπιζω να διαψευστω!!!
DeleteΠαντως, η επικοινωνια ειναι πολυ σημαντικο, το μονο σιγουρο ειναι οτι χανουν οσοι και οσες "κλεινονται" στην... εικονα τους!
Πω πω I mean wow..I can't believe what experience makes you see out there..I personally am (well, was) not aware of these "clans" but let me tell you, I started blogging a couple of months ago an now that I'm reading this, I too get the puzzle completed in my mind and I can actually think of some people falling under each category! Be well, your post really made my day ;) Btw, I'm posting about free pin it buttons this week, I hope you don't mind mentioning you, I'm sure many will love this.
@Katia Audrey: In that case, I can only wish you patience and strength so you won't be discouraged by what you'll eventually see out there! :)
DeleteVery well said my dear. You are a veteran of blogging and you've seen it all. I don't really know which "clan" I'd fit in, maybe I'm one of the "Blue Jasmines", because the drama and unfairness of it all has put me off one too many times. But I will aim to be a champion like you and still be here after 6 years! Btw I love the names of the clans, very inspired! <3
ReplyDelete@Arietta MUA: I think it's normal to flirt with more than one category at some point.. I mean it's human to be negative or feel jealous or discouraged at times, as long as that's not the main thing we're putting out there! Glad you enjoyed the post! Btw, your comment made me laugh, veteran, as in.. παλια καραβανα? Χαχαχαχα! <3 <3 <3
DeleteWhat a great read, and very well said. Beauty blogging is so over saturated now from when I first started, not much of a community feel anymore
@Clare Visionarybeauty: Oh, I agree completely! Now it's a popularity contest, and even some of the most popular ones make half assed (at best) posts or even videos. To be honest, I keep reading a lot of them only to stay relevant about new releases - for proper reviews I'll read someone else that will actually help me figure out if the product is good for my skin type or skin tone!!!
DeleteEveryone has something to share and there are those who want attention. As a reader, I just take what I need.
ReplyDelete@Jing Lam: Yes, I guess each reader will decide for themselves!
DeleteSo nicely put post!If I were you I might use some other not so kind words for those who constantly beg for freebies especially those that are completely unknown!And of course later they rave about them (though I seriously doubt that they have even try the product) Also what pisses me off are those bb that seem to usereview only pr stuff and they seem to never buy anything.Hello girl you do declare you are a beauty blogger without even buying a single nail polish!i try to keep up with my blog as frequently as I can and try to be anything else (maybe 9 or 10) than these mentioned before!φιουυ τα πα και ξεθυμανα!και ναι!εισαι παλια καραβανα και απο τις καλυτερες χεχε!
ReplyDelete@Stella: Yes, you hit the nail on the head regarding bloggers that don't buy anything themselves!!! How can you judge the quality of any product when you've only tried less than a handful of brands in total? That's always puzzled me!!! I mean, yeah, you tell me it's good, but compared to what? What else have you tried to compare it too???
DeleteΣε ευχαριστω παντως, η αληθεια ειναι οτι η ολη κατασταση με εχει απογοητευσει παρα πολυ, ακριβως επειδη αρνουμαι να μπω στα περισσοτερα καλουπια!!! Υπαρχει ομως χωρος για ολους! xx